
What is MDM

Astronome Team2024-02-18

What is MDM and why is it some important for your business?

As a business grows so does its need for more laptops, tablets and phones. The more devices there are, the harder it is to keep track of who has what device, what access does each device have, and how secure is each device. Trying to do this on a case by case basis is an astronomical challenge.

This is where MDM, or mobile device management comes in. MDM centralizes the control of your company’s devices. Standardizing them and letting you know where each device is and who has it. However, the benefits of MDM go far beyond.

5 ways MDM benefits your company

  1. Reducing your costs: MDM helps reduce the need for expensive MSP teams. It also makes it easy to implement BYOD (bring your own device) policies reducing the upfront cost as a business expands.

    Furthermore, opportunity costs are reduced, onboarding time is dramatically reduced allowing your employees to begin work faster and letting your IT manager (if you have one) focus on more important projects.

  2. Enhanced Security: Data breaches have become costlier and more damaging. Not only directly to a companies bottom line, but also to their brand image and long term success.

    MDM helps protect against this by letting you enforce strong password policies, two factor authentication, and lets you remotely wipe data from a device. MDM also lets you decide who has access to which applications and, with Astronome, will let you track which devices need updates to security features like firewalls and antivirus.

  3. Regulatory Compliance: The number of regulations and what companies are affected by what regulation is constantly changing. MDM helps simplify this and helps you comply with the appropriate regulation.

    MDM does this by: enforcing access controls, enabliing secure remote access and auditing device activity and data access.

  4. Streamlined Processes: MDM simplifies the process of managing your fleet of devices. Whether you are an IT professional or someone who has taken on the role of IT professional managing all your company’s devices is a time-consuming process.

    MDM streamlines this process by automating tasks, reducing helpdesk tickets and generating reports and insights so you can see who is using what and how they are using it.

  5. Control and Confidence: The most important aspect of MDM is that is gives you a sense of control over your business as it grows and operates. The number of devices can be overwhelming, let alone who is accessing what applications and the security risks that might follow. MDM lets you be confident in your device management system and gives you time to focus on the important aspects of your business.

Best-in-class MDM is built into the core of Astronome so you never need to worry about it.

If you have further questions about MDM or want to schedule a demo of Astronome, fill out a from by clicking on the button below and we will reach out to you.

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